Thursday, September 3, 2020

BCG Matrix and the Product Life Cycle Essay

Presentation: The BCG Matrix and the Product Life Cycle are two significant apparatuses that identify with various parts of a product’s execution: †¢The BCG sees piece of the pie and market development and how they sway on money utilization and age. †¢The PLC takes a gander at deals/incomes after some time and levels of productivity. Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix Organizations must keep their item contributions pertinent and beneficial to remain in activity. The Boston Consulting Group built up an instrument, called the BCG lattice, for ordering a firm’s items according to the general item life cycle. Item life cycle depends on the perception that items create, like creatures, through unmistakable periods of development that contrast in measure of assets required and delivered. The BCG network puts every item an organization offers as indicated by the development pace of the business and the relative piece of the overall industry the item controls. Recognizing which quadrant of the BCG framework an item offering falls into gives important direction to the executives about the eventual fate of that item Stars Items that appreciate a high relative situation as far as piece of the overall industry in a developing business sector are alluded to as stars. They require enormous ventures to keep up the piece of the pie, however frequently produce enough income to cover their costs. Firms should focus on it to keep up the piece of the overall industry of items in the star quadrant of the BCG lattice to build deals. As the item enters development, and development rates decrease beneath 10 percent, keeping up piece of the pie will require less venture, yet produce comparative income, and become money dairy animals. Money Cows Money bovines produce considerable benefits for their organizations since they require little venture to keep up their high portion of the market. Directors ought to redirect benefits from money dairy animals to help protect piece of the overall industry of star items, grow new items for developing markets, or turn battling items around. While money dairy animals regularly give the biggest net revenue in an organization portfolio, firms keen on keeping up long haul benefit must put resources into protecting and making star items that will become money bovines' Low piece of the overall industry items that show low development are alluded to asâ dogs. Directors ought to limit the quantity of pooches in the item portfolio. While numerous chiefs look for the test of attempting to turn a canine item around, extra examination ought to be given to any interest in hound items. Firms ought to conclude whether to discover a specialty in the product’s market to control or strip from the item altogether to let loose assets for increasingly beneficial endeavors. Question Marks The most alarming quadrant on the BCG lattice is loaded up with items in high-development showcases that control generally frail situations inside their business sectors. These items, called question marks, require huge speculations to create. Indeed, even with generous subsidizing, a question mark item is off guard because of the savage rivalry in high-development markets. Supervisors ought to consider the probability and methods for expanding piece of the pie, for example, spend significant time in a specialty showcase, before dispensing extra assets to question marks. On the off chance that a question mark is probably not going to catch a specialty market or contrast the better settled rivalry, the firm ought to strip to expand its general gainfulness A few confinements of the BCG framework model include: †¢The first issue can be the means by which we characterize market and how we get information about piece of the pie †¢A high piece of the overall industry doesn't really prompt productivity consistently †¢The model utilizes just two measurements †piece of the overall industry and item or administration development rate †¢Low offer or specialty organizations can be productive as well (a few Dogs can be more beneficial than money Cows) †¢The model doesn't reflect development paces of the general market †¢The model ignores the impacts of cooperative energy between specialty units †¢Market development isn't the main marker for allure of a market There are most likely significantly more perspectives that should be considered in a specific utilization of the BCG model Product Life Cycle (plc) The item life cycle has 4 plainly characterized stages, each with its own qualities that mean various things for business that are attempting to deal with the existence pattern of their specific items. Presentation Stage †This phase of the cycle could be the most costly for an organization propelling another item. The size of the market for the item is little, which meansâ sales are low, despite the fact that they will be expanding. Then again, the expense of things like innovative work, purchaser testing, and the promoting expected to dispatch the item can be high, particularly if it’s a serious area. Development Stage †The development stage is regularly portrayed by a solid development in deals and benefits, and in light of the fact that the organization can begin to profit by economies of scale underway, the net revenues, just as the general measure of benefit, will increment. This makes it workable for organizations to put more cash in the limited time movement to amplify the capability of this development stage. Development Stage †During the development stage, the item is set up and the focus on the producer is presently to keep up the piece of the overall industry they have developed. This is likely the most serious time for most items and organizations need to put astutely in any promoting they embrace. They likewise need to think about any item changes or upgrades to the creation procedure which may give them an upper hand. Decay Stage †Eventually, the market for an item will begin to therapist, and this is what’s known as the decrease stage. This shrinkage could be because of the market getting soaked (for example all the clients who will purchase the item have just bought it), or in light of the fact that the customers are changing to an alternate kind of item. While this decay might be inescapable, it might at present be workable f or organizations to make some benefit by changing to more affordable creation techniques and less expensive markets The connection between the BCG Matrix and the item life cycle The level hub of the BCG Matrix speaks to showcase Shareand the vertical hub demonstrates foreseen advertise development. The corporate business is isolated into four categoriesthey are money dairy animals, stars, question marks, hounds. The item life cycle is another item advances through an arrangement of stages from prologue to develop, development, and decrease. The four classes of corporate business compare to the four phases of the item life cycle (1) Question marks organizations relate to the presentation phase of the item life cycle. Question marks organizations are in an appealing industry however hold a little piece of the overall industry rate. In the acquaintance stage the firm looks for with fabricate piece of the overall industry quickly construct item mindfulness and build up a business opportunity for the item. (2) Starts organizations relate to the growthâ stage of the item life cycle. Start organizations are in a quickly developing business sector, and hold a predominant portion of that showcase. Their commitment to income relies upon their requirement for assets. In the development stage, the firm looks to fabricate brand inclination and increment piece of the overall industry. Piece of the pie will in general balance out. (3) Cash cows organizations relate to the development phase of the item life cycle. Money dairy animals organizations in this create a lot of money yet their possibilities for future development are constrained In the development stage, the market arrives at immersion. The essential target is to protect piece of the overall industry while augmenting benefit. (4) Dogs organizations in this class don't maker customer much money. Anyway they hold no guarantee for improved execution. In decay stage there is a downturn in the market as deals decrease end the item exchanging remaining stock or auction. The distinction between the BCG Matrix and the item life cycle †¢The corporate business is partitioned into four classifications from two parts of piece of the overall industry and foreseen development rate anyway the item life cycle is separated into four phases from two parts of deals and time. †¢The BCG Matrix can generally judge enterprise’s by and large working conditions yet the item life cycle just mirrors the market execution of a solitary item. †¢The BCG grid fundamentally contemplates the assignment and utilization of corporate assets, however the item life cycle basically examines the utilization of the item showcasing system. †¢ The BCG network can reflects corporate a wide range of business conditions, yet the item life cycle can not mirrors all organizations and item in the bend

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Two Icons of Renaissance Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Two Icons of Renaissance Art - Essay Example While numerous famous names include in this imaginative stream, there are rare sorts of people who hold their stands unrivaled as the propagators of aesthetic societies. Two of such names are Botticelli and Raphael who presented and built up an individual smart delineation of some contemporary ideas and all inclusive depictions. Two remarkable gems from Botticelli and Raphael are The introduction of Venus (Botticelli) and Mond Crucifixion (Raphael). Those two centerpieces are a lot of the speaking to pieces for their contemporary culture getting old style establishments to mount with masterful rendering of inconspicuous individual portrayals. Legacy of old style ages During renaissance, new turns of events and minds of most specialists had come out of the old style customs of expressions. Quite, innovation had not contacted the world and disrupting of norms was restricted uniquely up to the minds of craftsmen. In this manner, craftsman of prior renaissance period picked to give their bits of knowledge to some conventional topics. Both The Birth of Venus and Mond execution are grounded in profound Christian creative mind of human conditions. As in The introduction of Venus, the iconography doesn't involve an infringement of subjects abiding in contemporary cognizance. Also, in Mond Crucifixion delineation of Jesus is depicted as a quiet figure in any event, when killed. Religious symbols as Venus and Jesus had an unmistakable spot in old style masterful culture. Then again church’s impacts were very prevailing over creative portrayals till renaissance. Notwithstanding, during renaissance the vast majority of the painters and specialists had been related and were decorated by the congregation as well. It is for the most part the style, creative delineation of encompassing and utilization of various shades which had put those expressions on strides in front of the traditional ages. Materials, Style and Colors As Botticelli had a place with a period when Oil canvases were not promoted up to a degree The introduction of Venus was painted on gum based paint while Mond Crucifixion showed up when prevalence of oil works of art had surpassed the utilization of gum based paint around entire Europe. Verifiably as well, Oil canvases end up being increasingly facilitative contrasted with gum based paint. Gum based paint dries quick and painters must be exceptionally exact in blending the paint. Oil painting end up being simpler to utilize improving various chances to painters to utilize quick brushstrokes. Contrasting The introduction of Venus with Mond Crucifixion, the utilization of oil in the later gives a lot of degree to paint the foundation while in The introduction of Venus foundation is broken down into ocean with sharp strokes till the end which is very fundamental in a gum based paint material. In both the canvases, utilization of hues and lights is straight away practically identical as The introduction of Venus gives a touch of blur ring impact towards the third measurement while Mond Crucifixion holds more honed hues and more clear lights to support with the atmosphere of Jesus which is basically to be safeguarded in the painting. The introduction of Venus is envisioned with the inventive magnificence of painter’s feelings to the important issue depicted by numerous prior craftsmen. Rather than the three Hours of Homer's song and Poliziano's sonnet, he gives us one reasonable sprite, in a white robe, weaved with blue corn-blossoms, springing gently forward to offer Venus a pink mantle planted with daisies. In the shrub forests along the shore, we see an elegant mention to the Tree who protected the

Friday, August 21, 2020

Ethical Theories Free Essays

string(143) others as we would wish to be dealt with ourselves doesn't mean creation the presumption that others feel precisely as we do about everything. Ethics characterize our character; morals direct the working of a social framework. Morals point towards the utilization of ethical quality. In the wake of this getting, national, social and work environment morals depend on the theoretical good codes embraced and clung to by every individual from the gathering. We will compose a custom exposition test on Moral Theories or then again any comparative subject just for you Request Now Morals set out a lot of codes that individuals must follow. Morals are comparative with peers, calling, network, society and country. Ethics are and are subject to an individual’s decision or convictions or religion and can mean doing the set in stone thing. A guide to assist you with understanding the distinction would be: Abortion is lawful and in this manner medicinally moral, while numerous individuals discover it by and by unethical. Morals can be moderately easy to follow, while applying ethics can be distinctly harder. There can be an ethical predicament, yet not a moral one. While great ethics speak to right and upstanding behavior, morals act more as rules. Morals are appropriate or clung to by a gathering or network or society, while ethics identify with people. As should be obvious from the above conversation that morals and ethics may appear to be comparative, yet are in certainty rather particular. While ethics comprise a fundamental human marker of right conduct and direct, morals are increasingly similar to a lot of rules that characterize satisfactory conduct and practices for a specific gathering of people or society. Deontological speculations: Deontological hypotheses are the classification of standardizing moral hypotheses. It is a type of good way of thinking fixated on the standards of eighteenth century thinker Immanuel Kant. Its name originates from the Greek words Deon and logos, which means the investigation of obligation. Deon implies obligation. Activities are ethically right are those as per certain guidelines, obligations, rights and proverbs. Deontological speculations hold that an action’s snugness or misleading quality relies upon its similarity a specific good standard paying little mind to the outcomes. Activities can be ethically allowed, required or taboo. Outcomes of the exercises are not significant as indicated by deontological hypothesis. The premise of deontology is to evaluate a person’s character by how well the individual in question keeps moral principles, regardless of whether thusly, shocking outcomes happen. Deontology consistently advocates the Right over the Good. The deontological model of morals decides the rightness of an ethical activity by deciding whether it follows moral standards. For example, Kant gave the model that it isn't right to lie regardless of whether it could spare a person’s life. The specialist focused hypothesis of deontology: center around the obligations of the ethical operator (the individual acting); instead of the privileges of individual being followed up on (understanding focused hypothesis). Act just as indicated by that proverb where by you can simultaneously as an end and never simply as a necessary chore. Lying is taboo, supposing that lying is an all inclusive activity, society would be sabotaged. Additionally it is states that people’s moral decisions are dictated by close to home commitment and authorization. For example, a parent is committed to regard their youngster as more significant than others; notwithstanding, different grown-ups have no commitment to treat that parent’s kid any uniquely in contrast to any other individual. Since individuals can have individual commitments that are not the same as others, they likewise have authorization to ensure their commitments to the detriment of others. In this hypothesis, a parent has authorization to spare their own youngster regardless of whether it implies causing adverse or grievous ramifications for different people’s kids. The patient-focused hypothesis: that manage rights, it implies an activity isn't right in the event that it abuses a person’s right (life, freedom, property/the quest for joy) or against being utilized distinctly as a methods for creating great results without one’s assent. It focuses on the privileges of people as opposed to individual obligation. It expresses that people reserve the privilege to not be utilized for moral great against their wills. For example, a killer can't be executed without their consent regardless of whether it would spare a few lives. The Advantages of Deontological Theories Deontological profound quality leaves space for operators to give uncommon worry to their families, companions, and ventures. At any rate that is so if the deontological profound quality contains no solid obligation of general liberality or, on the off chance that it does, it puts a plug on that duty’s requests. Deontological profound quality, in this manner, stays away from the excessively requesting and barring parts of consequentialism and accords more with customary ideas of our ethical obligations. The Weakness of Deontological Theories Paradox of deontological speculations: We are for illegal from disregarding certain obligations and rights even to forestall more infringement of specific obligations and rights. Deontological speculations have additionally shaky areas. First and generally significant of all, is the appearing madness of the having obligations or consents to exacerbate the world ethically. Deontology is and will consistently be confusing, except if a nonconsequentialist model of discernment is made; deontologists need to defuse the model of reasonability that rouses consequentialist hypotheses. The Golden guideline: is known as the ethic of correspondence, this acclaimed cross-culture adage states: â€Å"Do to others as you need them to do to you†. Humanists attempt to grasp the ethical guideline known as the ‘Golden Rule’, also called the ethic of correspondence, which implies we accept that individuals should expect to treat each other as they might want to be dealt with themselves †with resistance, thought and empathy. Humanists like the Golden Rule due to its all inclusiveness, on the grounds that it is gotten from human emotions and experience and in light of the fact that it expects individuals to consider others and attempt to envision how they may think and feel. It is a straightforward and clear default position for moral dynamic. Once in a while people contend that the Golden Rule is defective in light of the fact that it makes the supposition that everybody has similar tastes and feelings and needs to be dealt with the equivalent in each circumstance. In any case, the Golden Rule is a general good rule, not a firm standard to be applied to everything about existence. Regarding others as we would wish to be dealt with ourselves doesn't mean creation the supposition that others feel precisely as we do about everything. You read Moral Theories in classification Papers The treatment we as a whole need is acknowledgment that we are people, each with our own conclusions and emotions and for these suppositions and sentiments to be managed regard and thought. The Golden Rule isn't an order to force one’s will on another person! Attempting to live as per the Golden Rule; implies attempting to identify with others, including the individuals who might be totally different from us. Sympathy is at the base of benevolence, empathy, comprehension and regard †characteristics that we as a whole value being appeared, whoever we are, whatever we think and any place we originate from. Consequentialism: Hold that; this action’s rightness or unsoundness relies upon outcomes it causes (joy or agony). Consequentialist speculations state that; the ethical rightness of activity can be controlled by taking a gander at its outcomes, if the results are acceptable, the demonstration is correct. The correct demonstration produces most noteworthy proportion of good to shrewdness of any other option. On the off chance that the results are terrible the demonstration isn't right. Lying by and large is awful as per morals, yet on the off chance that we don’t express that her sickness to lady with malignancy might be it will be better. Consequentialism is an ethical hypothesis, which remains under the standardizing moral speculations. It tends to be utilized as rules to illuminate on the most proficient method to determine moral issues. This particular good hypothesis centers around the results of one’s activities, instead of taking a gander at the rightness and unsoundness of a demonstration. In this manner an ethically right act is a demonstration that makes a decent outcome or result. As per this hypothesis the morally right choice is the one that creates the best outcomes: â€Å"The end legitimizes the means†. Consequentialists acknowledge and acknowledge the way that troublesome good decisions at times harm others. In this way they are more adaptable than obligation based scholars. It is generally essential to take a gander at outcomes and examine the results’ sway on others. Along these lines this hypothesis is acceptable in moral quandaries, since it focuses on the effect of our conduct on others. There are two sorts of consequentialist speculations: 1-Egoism 2-Utilitarianism 1-Egoism It battles that a demonstration is good when it advances the individual’s best long haul interests. On the off chance that an activity delivers or is planned to create of more noteworthy proportion of good to malicious for the person over the long haul than some other option, at that point it is the correct activity to perform. Moral pride guarantees that it is important and adequate for an activity to be ethically right that it expand one’s personal circumstance. Pride: The view that ethical quality harmonizes with the personal responsibility of an individual or an association. Vain people: Those who decide the virtue of an activity dependent on the standard of individual favorable position. An activity is ethically right on the off chance that it advances one’s long haul intrigue. An activity is ethically off-base in the event that it subverts it. There are two sorts of vanity: a-Personal selfishness: You seek after your own wellbeing, yet don’t care what others do. Individual vain people guarantee they should seek after their own best long haul interests, however they don't state what others ought to do. Individual vain people seek after their own personal responsibility yet don't make the all inclusive case that all people ought to do likewise. Individual Egoism is a view as indicated by which an individual cases that he/she should do what is

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

3 Critical Pieces of Advice for Prospective Engineers

1. Specialize your Technical Skill Set While your college coursescan help you with the theory of a subject, they can’t help you much with the practical pieces of a career--especially when you're becoming a software engineer. Because of the computing power we have at our fingertips in this day and age, the practical side of engineering isn’t building things with your hands; it really boils down to simulation and modeling. In my field of electric propulsion, for example, if one is interested in the performance degradation of a thruster at the end of its lifetime, they can either fire the thruster for 12,000 hours or they can run some code that takes a few hours on the intern’s laptop. I’m sure you can imagine how easy of a choice that is for management. A senior engineer’s knowledge is much more valuable than their time, so the impetus lies on the younger engineers to work the software. Now that I'm finishing up graduate school and looking for my first real job, I’m starting to learn what companies are looking for in their entry level engineers. These are aspects of the feildthat I never paid much mind to during my studies, butare nevertheless essential to life after graduation. 1. Specialize your Technical Skill Set It is extremely rare to find a job posting for an entry level engineering position that only requires theoretical knowledge that you acquired over your college career; it will probably also require experience using software, whether that is programming languages, design tools, or the wealthof analysis programs. Of course, I've had experience with a popular programming language from my Introduction to Programming class, but I never dealt with it much after I left the course, and instead opted for other languages that fit my needs. While I’ve used design tools to design a bracket that one year or another bracket that other year, I never had to focus on developing this skillset. I've ended up having to refresh my memory with tutorials and loads of google searching every time I return to the language. Instead of focusing on a single language and becoming proficient, I used only what I needed at the time, which was a huge disservice to me in the long run. Whenever you can, finish what you've started so you can specialize as opposed to generalize. 2. Know the Technical Requirements of your Ideal Entry Level Position In order to break this down even further, you should be asking yourself about the technical requirements of your ideal entry-level position. Do employers want experience in the programming language used for testing and data acquisition? Or maybe the ones for rough initial analyses or data visualization? Or do they want experience in the languages that are actually implemented in the final hardware? Of course, it depends on the position, but there are too many desired experiences and skills that it’s impossible for us to be to be qualified for every one. Furthermore, a company’s software is so embedded into their projects (either because of expensive licensing fees or because that’s the way things have always been done) that there is hardly any flexibility for the employees to choose their own software of choice. So you’d better hope or make sure that your skill set aligns with what your dream company is after. 3. Start as Early as Possible I would recommend learning which discipline you are most interested in early so you have as much time as possible to learn the relevant tools. If you’re interested in robotics, you should develop a specific skill set that would be different than, say, someone interested in aerodynamics. Classes help specify which programs are commonly used as you may have to use one on a homework problem or two, but a quick search of entry level jobs in these fields will tell you exactly what industry is looking for.Much of the software is open source, so it is easily obtainable and you can hone your skills with side projects that can later be an impressive point on your resume. I would even recommend side projects, which can be fun andgive a sense or achievement that you don’t get from classwork. If you can write some code coupled with a 10 dollar temperature sensor to control the fan in your room, you’re already one step closer to landing that internship or career designing the control systems of next generation spacecraft. ______________________________________________________________ Spenser grew up in the suburbs of LA. He attended Purdue University and graduated in 3 years with a degree in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering with distinction for having a 3.86/4.0 GPA. In his undergraduate career, he had two summer internships at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT as a Lemelson Engineering Presidential Fellow. His research focuses on advanced space propulsion. Are you interested in learning more about our computer science tutoring services? ;

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Diagnostic Features, Sociocultural Factors, And Treatment...

Introduction: Diana Miller is a deeply troubled young woman who has on numerous occasions been hospitalized in psychiatric institutions for severe abnormal behaviour. Following a serious suicide attempt and seventh hospitalization, Diana was given a diagnosis of major depressive disorder and a borderline personality disorder (BPD). The purpose of this essay is to elucidate the diagnostic accuracy of Diana’s disorders via the analysis of diagnostic features, sociocultural factors, and treatment interventions. Diagnostic Features: The diagnosis of Major depressive disorder and Borderline personality disorder (BPD) are entirely accurate, as Diana’s behaviour epitomizes the characteristics and diagnostic features of both disorders. As outlined in the DSM-5, Diana exemplifies symptoms warranting a diagnosis of major depressive disorder, as she displays the presence of five or more specified symptoms while having no prior history of mania. Diana exhibits the diagnostically required symptoms of frequent depressed mood, diminished interest in normal activities, and recurring suicidal thoughts/attempts, resulting in considerable distress and impairment. (APA, 2013, p. 160-161). In addition to fitting the diagnostic criteria, Diana demonstrates marked deficits in areas of functioning. Most strikingly Diana typifies emotional symptoms common in unipolar depression including prolonged and severe unhappiness, crying spells, and a general sense of hopelessness. Diana also displaysShow MoreRelat edApplication Of Feminist Therapy With Immigrant Women1453 Words   |  6 Pagessocietal change. Application of Feminist Theory with Immigrant Women Using Feminist Therapy with Immigrant Women Feminist counseling is a politically informed, client centered approach to addressing mental health concerns and positions treatment within the social and cultural context. Developed to address the systemic oppression and discrimination that comes from gender specific obstacles and stressors, feminist theory has evolved to be inclusive and not only focus on the experience of cisgenderRead MoreEffects Of Eating Disorders On Children And Adolescents2521 Words   |  11 Pagesthose related to the strict application of existing diagnostic criteria. Review of the literature Adolescence is a developmental stage, which is not defined merely by age. Some may even argue that many young adults with eating disorders are still in the midst of addressing the challenges of adolescence and indeed adolescent developmental difficulties have been thought to underlie the etiology of anorexia nervosa in particular. The essential features of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are consistentRead MoreAntisocial Personality Disorder: An Overview2418 Words   |  10 Pagestextbook material, information from the DSM-5, and several outside sources to try to create a complete picture of the main points of the disorder, such as the causes development, symptoms, prognosis, prevalence, and treatment options for this disorder. I also looked into possible sociocultural influences on the development of the disorder, and consider whether or not it is a legitimate disorder that should be acknowledged by the mental health community. I conclude this work with a personal critique ofR ead More Childhood Conduct Disorder Essay1961 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction: A History and Brief Overview of Conduct Disorder Conduct Disorder has been a part of the American Psychological Association’s Diagnostic Statistical Manuel (DSM) since its original release date in 1994. Although, there is new information about the disorder that was previously unknown, Conduct Disorder is distinguished by a â€Å"repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic rights of others or major age-appropriate norms or rules are violated† (American Psychiatric AssociationRead MoreThe Case Study of Andrea Yates Essay893 Words   |  4 Pagestaken over by her illness as well as her strong beliefs of her religion. Mental illness needs to be considered a medical illness and taken more seriously in our society. According to â€Å"Axis I: Major Depressive Disorder, Catatonic Features, and Postpartum Onset. Axis II: Schizophrenia and Psychotic Dissociative. Axis III: Complications Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium. Axis IV: Problems with primary support group. Axis V: Behavior is considerably influenced by delusions orRead Moreneuman5052 Words   |  21 Pagesnursing to include communicable disease, education and private duty. Later in her nursing career she worked as a psychiatric nurse and a nurse educator. During this time a need for an educational model depicting the physiological, psychological, sociocultural and developmental aspects of man was identified for graduate studies. As a result, Neuman developed her model of nursing in 1970, it was first published in 1972 in the May-June issue of Nursing Research Journal (Neuman amp; Fawcett, 2011). Read MoreEating Disorders Among Different Cultures: Annotated Bibliography1769 Words   |  8 Pagesfat-phobia and bo dy dissatisfaction and then discusses alternative cultural influences for food refusal such as issues of control, acculturation, and religious asceticism. The author claims that there is a need for culturally sensitive questionnaires and diagnostic criteria and suggests that the notion of anorexia as a culture bound syndrome is no longer valid as the illness as been identified in a number of non-western societies. 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There is no universal treatment as sufferers are often treated for the specific symptoms of other mental illnesses rather than BPD (Bateman, Krawitz, 2013; Friedel, 2004). Diagnosis is equally problematic as two

Labor Laws and Unions free essay sample

Labor Laws and Unions Walmart is one of the biggest retail stores in the world. Walmart operates worldwide with current total count of its stores reaching 9. 667 stores worldwide (Walmart Corporate, 2011). Interestingly, Walmart is an organization that is currently non-unionized. This paper will provide brief background information on Walmart organization. Legal issues and obstacles that Walmart could encounter will also be identified. The writer will determine which federal, state, or local laws could be broken because of the legal issues and why. Finally, recommendations to minimize possible litigation will be provided. The second part of the paper will deal with scenario if Walmart joining a union. Effects of the union on Walmart will be discussed next on the paper. Organization’s benefits of joining a union will be analyzed. Process of unionization will be discussed. And ways on how a union bargains and its effects on Walmart will be considered. Walmart’s Background Walmart begins in 1962 along with other retail stores such as Kmart and Target. We will write a custom essay sample on Labor Laws and Unions or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Walmart has a humble beginning, with its owner Sam Walton put up 95 percent of their money to open the first Walmart stores in Rogers, Arkansas. Walmart finally goes public ten years later in 1972 which brings more capital to the organization. Walmart starts booming in the 1980s, where in the period of 10 years, sales grow from $ 1 billion in 1980s to $26 billion in 1989. In 21st century, Walmart is serving more than 176 million customers a year (Walmart Corporate, 2011). Throughout these years, Walmart as an organization never belong to a union despite many organizations suggested them to be unionized. Legal Issues and Obstacles Walmart could encounter numerous legal issues and obstacles because of their status as non-unionized. In recent years, Walmart has been the target of hundreds of lawsuits by employees in dozens of states (Cascio, 2010). These employees are claiming that Walmart violated wage and hour laws (Cascio, 2010). Walmart has this problem because of their low prices force them to pay for low wage labor. Employee can take advantage of this issue and create a legal issues and obstacles against Walmart. Legal issues against Walmart have been brought up in many different states. Many states has a minimum-wage requirement that has to be followed by all the businesses in the state. One example is the case Walmart Stores vs S. C. Savaglio, where a group of Walmart employees sued Walmart because Walmart allegedly had violated California’s meal period law (Cascio, 2010). Walmart lose $172 million dollars in the general and punitive damages. Not even a year after that, Walmart loses another lawsuit in the state of Pennsylvania for forcing employees to work off the clock (Cascio, 2010). The recommendation of the writer for Walmart is to get unionized so that Walmart can mitigate possible litigation. Walmart then can save a lot of money and time in fighting against lawsuits coming from their employees.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Writing Essays On Lady Or The Tiger Essay Topics

Writing Essays On Lady Or The Tiger Essay TopicsThe Lady Or The Tiger Essay Topics are essays that examine different themes such as personal development, creativity, love and relationships. Essays on these topics usually have a focus on relationships and exploring how their lives were transformed by different relationships. The topics are often combined to form one essay.Some people who choose to write these Lady Or The Tiger Essay Topics are individuals who were born with certain personality traits and abilities. For instance, a person with an artistic bent might choose to write an essay about his or her experience working in an art gallery. In addition, those who love nature and wildlife might choose to write about the development of his or her love for the subject. Others might be writing an essay to show their superiority to others.Lady Or The Tiger essay topics can be written by all kinds of people. Whether you are a college student or a recent graduate, if you like to write you can always choose to explore your passion through your written words. If you are interested in writing on this topic, then here are some important things to keep in mind.First, you must decide what love is to you. Once you have decided you will be able to determine what type of life that you want to live. Once you have decided what life you want to live then you can move forward in creating a Lady Or The Tiger Essay Topics that will reflect how you have created your life to date.Second, there are many different relationship styles that you can choose from. You can choose whether you would prefer to date an individual or a group of individuals. This may not be a problem because you can choose to date someone individually if you don't want to spend time together as a group. You can also choose whether you want to date someone from your school or if you are just looking for a friendly friendship.Third, the Lady Or The Tiger Essay Topics can be used to reveal your inner self. To begin you should write your personal story. Once you begin sharing this personal story with others you will begin to discover and understand what love is to you. Then you can find what it is that you want to share with others and find out what it is that you want to become.Finally, you should always write. You should take the time to build your confidence in order to develop your writing skills. Without the proper work ethic and motivation you will never be able to become a great writer.Once you have gathered your knowledge about love and your personal story you can move on to the next step - writing your essays. There are many different ways that you can develop your writing skills but if you want to continue to explore your passions you need to do it and the only way to do it is to develop your writing skills.